PKI skills and resources are often missing in an organization. Secardeo has long-term expierences and in-depth knowledge of PKI technologies and organization. We offer you PKI training, assessments, auditing, design, implementation and documentation.
A PKI project is a task you should not underestimate. Indeed, a Windows CA may be installed with a series of mouse clicks. Then what?
Many PKI projects have failed in the past because of missing expertise and experience in the teams. Grave, irreparable mistakes have been made during conception and implementation.
Often within an enterprise digital certificates are being used, but there a concerns if the PKI solution is solid and efficient.
The evaluation of an existing PKI is a complex task. Typically, the required skills and resources are missing in an organization. A neutral judgement of a competent third party is often desired.
Often there is no or at most limited understanding of PKI technologies and organization. IT-Security managers and also technical experts need a good basic knowledge for making decisions or operating a PKI.
Which are the most important PKI use cases for the organisation? What are the concrete requirements? What implementation options do exist? How does a good project plan look like? Which documentation is needed?
Many organization prefer an internal PKI based on a Microsoft CA (ADCS). However, the needed skills and resources are not available in many cases. External consulting and engineering for the design and implementation of a Windows PKI is desired.
The experts from Secardeo can provide you with initial technical and organizational assessments of your PKI and make proposals for improvements. We can regularly analyse and audit your Windows PKI components and provide you with objective reports.
We offer two PKI workshops teaching basic PKI knowledge and concrete Windows PKI concepts:
The two-days workshops can be kept inhouse or in a video-conference.
We will identify your important application areas and we will support you in the design of your tailored PKI solution. We will guide you through the process of product evaluation and selection, PKI architecture design, PKI organization and the specification of individual Certificate Policies (CP) and Certificate Practice Statements (CPS).
Secardeo has long-term experiences with the design and implementation of PKI for medium and large companies. We can support you for the setup of a Windows PKI with all required components, Active Directory configuration and certificate template customizations for your use cases and requirements.
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