Download Whitepaper:

Global End-to-End Encryption enabled by Secardeo certBox

What you will find out in this whitepaper:

  • How can a user encrypt e-mails easily and secure?
  • Is it possible to encrypt e-mails on a smartphone?
  • Where can you find digital certificates?
  • What are the benefits?
  • Which requirements should a PKI Repository meet?
  • Certificate cannot be found – a PKI’s nightmare
  • The solution for PKI: Secardeo certBox
  • How does the certBox work?
  • How does the public certificate repository work?
  • What kind of protection does the certBox provide?
  • How does the certBox provide external certificates?
  • What does a repository list include?
  • How can you provide certificates from partners that do not have a repository?
  • Can you encrypt to an E-Mail Gateway using an organization certificate?
  • How can certificate verification be simplified for the client?
  • How can you encrypt e-mails for a recipient without a certificate?
  • How can a recipient decrypt without S/MIME Client?
  • How and to whom can a certBox user now encrypt?

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